International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research <p>International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research (IJECER) is an academic journal that publishes research articles and review articles emerging from theoretical and experimental studies in all fields of electrical and computer engineering. IJECER is an open access, free publication and peer-reviewed journal. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. In addition, there is no APC fee. In order for the articles submitted to the journal to be evaluated, they should not have been published elsewhere before and the similarity rate should be less than 20%. <br />The main aim of IJECER is to publish quality original scientific papers and bring together the latest research and development in various fields of science and technology related electrical and computer enginerring. IJECER is published quarterly a year, in March, June, September and December. Permanent links to published papers are maintained by using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system by CrossRef.</p> <p>The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to:</p> <table border="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Electrical engineering<br />Computer engineering<br />Electronics engineering<br />Biomedical engineering<br />Mechatronics engineering<br />Electrical energy and power<br />Internet of things emerging technologies<br />Internet technologies, and smart devices<br />Computer science and information technology<br />Artificial intelligence and soft computing<br />Computational science and engineering<br />Big data and cloud computing<br />Signal, image and speech processing<br />Networking and the internet</td> <td>Pattern recognition<br />Renewable energy<br />Algorithms and applications<br />Green technologies in information<br />Circuits and electronics<br />Power electronics and drives<br />Wireless sensor network<br />Computer software engineering<br />Communications and wireless networks<br />Sensors and actuators<br />Computer vision and robotics<br />Embedded systems<br />Radar and sonar systems<br />Robotics</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> en-US (Yunus Uzun) (Yunus Uzun) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 10:12:45 +0300 OJS 60 Microsatellite Yaw-axis Attitude Control System Using Model Reference Adaptive Control Based PID Controller <p>This paper presents a Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) based Proportional Integral and Derivative (PID) controller for microsatellite yaw-axis Attitude Control System (ACS). The objective is to combine the algorithm of MRAC with PID to improve the performance of a microsatellite system especially settling time. MRAC based PID controller for yaw-axis ACS was modelled and simulated in MATLAB/Simulink to meet transient response characteristics specifications. The performance of the system was evaluated in terms of rise time, settling time, maximum overshoot, and steady-state error including energy consumption measured based on armature voltage of the direct current motor. The simulation results revealed that the proposed system meets all the performance specifications and outperformed classical PID controller for adaption gain of 0.2 to 20. When compared with PID and Proportional Derivative (PD) based Controllers in previous study for adaption gain of 10, 15, and 20, the proposed system proved to be superior. Generally, the choice of the MRAC based PID controller considering the range of adaption gain (γ = 0.1 to 20) should be based on either transient response advantage or energy consumption or even both over PID controller. The significance of this study is that an MRAC based PID controller that offered wide range of adaption capability for microsatellite ACS has been proposed.</p> Paulinus Eze, Isaac A. Ezenugu Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Alcohol Solutions Impedance and Equivalent Circuits <p>We measured the S-parameters of six different types of liquid samples, such as aqueous alcohol solutions, NaCl ionic solutions, alcoholic beverages, and fruit juices in the 1 to 100 MHz frequency range, and calculated their impedance and admittance. Equivalent circuits of the liquid samples were synthesized by curve fitting on a Smith chart and Cartesian coordinates. The relationship between the impedance, admittance, and circuit element values of the synthesized equivalent circuit and the ethanol C2H5OH, polar water molecule H2O, and cation (K+ ion) that constitute the liquid sample was analyzed. Distilled alcoholic beverages showed a high impedance, but the impedance decreased after aging. Non-distilled alcoholic beverages showed a significant decrease in impedance due to cation (K+ ion). The impedance of the dehydrated reduced concentrated beverage increased significantly due to the reduction of cation (K+ ion).</p> Koyu Chinen, Shoko Nakamoto, Ichiko Kinjo Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300